Sad Man's Tongue Bar & Bistro
Where the 50s and 60s catch up to the 21st Century

We are a bar and bistro where the 1950s and 1960s converge with their modern counterpart and join up with the 21st century. There’s even a whiff of the 1930s, 40s, and 1970s for good measure, or perhaps it’s just the bourbon speaking.
Our food and beverage is not your typical tourist trap prices or quality. We believe that food and drink should be good, fairly priced, and be of good value. You should not have to get a loan to go out and eat.
If you are looking for the Ritz or Four Seasons, then you are coming to the wrong place, this is a country roadhouse.
Please keep in mind that we are CASH ONLY, and we do not take reservations
Sorry, but we do not take reservations, and we do not accept credit cards.
Konviktska 7, Prague, CZ 11000 / contact@sadmanstongue.com
Sad man's tongue s.r.o. IČ:05379946