This Little Bee Is The Only One We’re Interested In

Photography by Elys the Dog – Photography
In the bee hive of hotties and amazing photography of Elys the Dog – Photography there is only one bee we are interested in. Pin Up Girl Little Bee stung are heart and it’s one stinger we are not taking out.
This photographer has a wide range of conceptual photography that encompasses Pin Up, Travel, Outdoor, Couples, Inked, and of course Dogs just to name a few. The photographers out-door shots have great use of natural lighting and colors while his depth of field keeps you focused on the target. The travel shots have you seeing familiar places in a different light, and the Pin Up Shots and Ink shots are just obviously special to the individual and for those lucky enough to see them.
One of this photographers models is Pin Up Girl Little Bee, OUCH!!!! I get stung just thinking about her. Little Bee is quite versatile and could easily do inked shots for Suicide Girls, could capture the retro feel as a model for any of the vintage clothing stores in town, such as Red Lips Pin Up Design, could be the cover girl for Retro Lovely Magazine as a Pin Up, and can create a timeless emotion with her out-door shots. Of course those legs are killer as well.
So if you are going to get stung by a bee, I can think of no better stinger than Pin Up Girl Little Bee, who we have had the pleasure of meeting at the Vintage Ladies Night at Sad Man’s Tongue Bar & Bistro. We always say that a women’s true beauty is equal to her personality and this girl has a wonderful down to earth personality that keeps you engaged. Which means she’s a real hottie!!!